Crafting an omnichannel strategy encouraging customers to purchase in-store and online.


Conversion rate optimisation

Dymocks omnichannel strategy

Dymocks’ brief to FIRST was to craft an omnichannel strategy encouraging customers to purchase in-store and online. It was essential that the strategy provides customer-centric experience across all channels.

Our user-centric design philosophy leveraged qualitative and quantitative consumer research to identify a prioritised list of features to rapidly increase conversion.

The research involved talking to a reflective cross-section of the bookseller’s target market, mapped against existing segmentation data from the Dymocks marketing team. Both existing and potentially high-value customers were interviewed. Through better understanding real customer behaviour, FIRST was able to generate a comprehensive list of areas for improvement in the Dymocks online experience.

The research focused not only on barriers to completing a transaction but also on what motivates people so we know how to increase the propensity to both buy online and visit a store.


A redesign and some technical restrictions led to a number of challenges with Dymocks’ user experience and conversion rate. They were keen to drive revenue, but also to create a better user experience and drive traffic into stores.


The research process, as well as the subsequent testing, has taught us a lot about the Dymocks value proposition and how to express this clearly to customers. FIRST still sees significant upside potential in conversion rate. By continuing to follow the process, we expect a double-digit uplift in all key conversion metrics.

Visually rewarding

Visually reframing the Dymocks Rewards Scheme proposition within the customers mind led to a +42.89% increase in customers signing up to the scheme.

Check out the ROI!

Redesigning the checkout process to overcome micro moments of hesitation through the use of feedback loops generated a +10.11% increase in conversion and a +12.76% increase in revenue.

This 6-month project generated a +40.48% increase in conversion rate, a YOY revenue increase of +52.17%, a +15.99% increase in store look ups, and a +112.11% increase in site searches.

Dymocks conversion rate increased by 40.48%

YoY revenue increase of  52.17%

15.99% increase in store lookups on the Dymocks site

112.11% increase in site searches

“FIRST have improved our online revenue, our online to offline experience and the overall customer experience. Their work has always been honest and direct, and has helped us get deeper insight into our customer experience.”

– SOPHIE HIGGINS, Head of Merchandise and Marketing at Dymocks Books