A user-focused website connecting consumers to technical product functionality, producing a higher rate of conversion and engagement.

CLIENT: Officeworks    |    PROJECT: Conversion rate optimisation

Officeworks commissioned FIRST to develop a user-focused website that better connects consumer needs to technical product functionality in order to produce a higher rate of conversion and engagement.

Increased clicks

Through our in-house user-centred design methodology, FIRST established key consumer segments. This research highlighted key requirements within each segment’s consumer journeys, and guided changes that centred on both user-focused design and functionality.

We first established essential consumer needs by re-prioritising how product page information was displayed.

This increased clicks on Add to Cart by +9.36%.

More increased clicks

FIRST next observed how consumer needs and behaviours differed depending on device, which informed us on when and where to show CTAs on mobile devices. When deployed on mobile, Officeworks gained a +44.7% increase in clicks on Add to Cart sitewide.

Increased Add to Cart click rate for mobile users across the site by 44.7%.

Analysis and research

Upon analysing consumer attitudes to benefits schemes and relationships with retailers, FIRST was able to increase sign ups to the Officeworks newsletter by +91.25%.

Having researched the key drivers behind consumers completing a purchase whilst visiting the Officeworks site, FIRST was better able to communicate delivery times on product pages.

This increased the Sitewide Conversion by +6.48%.